Delicious Crete has sensibilities …
Above all we put our relationship to humans and the environment.
So, the manpower staffing our company, as well as the simple fellow man, are factors which we put them as a priority.
So for this, we are proud to have among our collaborations the WISE GREECE move. The WISE GREECE move is a non-profit movement for the promotion of Greek products, which through their sales, globally, they ensure the nutritional needs of Institutions and organizations that support children, homeless and elderly.
On the other hand, our ecological conscience and our sensitivity for the environment, to keep as clean as possible, leads us to responsibility not only towards the final product but also during the production process.
For this reason Delicious Crete uses minimum amount on paper, consumables and all kind of materials, always environmentally friendly, to minimize waste and useless material

Our Location

Located In Beautiful Crete

Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Heraklion: +30.2811.180120
London: +44.2033.182524
Stockholm: +46.844.680485
New York: +1.347.5578448


Images Of Our Products

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